
As a developer, listening to music helps me focus and get into the zone. Personally, I gravitate towards Japanese music, ranging from anime openings to J-pop.
Before starting my coding session, I always open up Spotify and choose a playlist at random. It's a great way to discover new music and keep things fresh.
I previously prefer electronic songs, such as Alone produced by Alan Walker, until I found the first Japanese song that interests me: The disease called love covered by Mafumafu. Although understanding the lyrics, the song still captivated me with its impressive melody.
#My Favourites
As a fan of Japanese music, I would like to recommend some of my favorite songs and artists.
One of my favorite songs is あの夏が飽和する by Iori Kanzaki. The first time I heard it, I didn't think much of it. But after reading the translated lyrics, I was blown away by the beautiful story behind the song.
Iori Kanzaki's songs are like novels in music form, it is immersive. I would highly recommend his other works such as "Idol", they're absolutely amazing!
#言って - Yorushika
Another artist that I love is Yorushika, and my favorite song by them is 言って. The song has a fresh and upbeat vibe that never fails to put me in a good mood.
Their other songs such as 斜陽 and That's Why I Gave Up on Music are my favourites too!
#廻廻奇譚 - Eve
Lastly, Kaikai kitan by Eve, which was produced for the TV anime 『呪術廻戦』 The song's catchy melody has made Eve one of the most famous artists in Japan. I find myself constantly humming the tune even when I'm not listening to it.